
senseless art of a tortured soul

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

blittering dash of this and that

blunder.ponder.wishful thinkings embowel me.
the sky was grey, was 10 am as I got into my car,
towards my day job at a pizza parlour at damansara utama.
As I made
my way through the weaving traffic all I can think of is,
what the hell am
I doing.Im heading towards a road of unknown
brought me here was truly unwanted for.I had lost it.
All of them just
seemed to dampened behind these eight inch thick
walls. All the
hope, all promises,they seemed like the false prophecy
to me.
One bloke from a creative firm somehow evicted a somewhat of
hope for me,saying that I may be part of his team under a freelance
base contract. This enlightened my dark weary soul.
I really was looking forward upon his calling of a job.weeks
past and not a buzz came from this so-called savior.
Relentlessly,I went forward and looked elsewhere for any job
openings.Eventually a week later a surprising call came before me.
It was from a publishing firm and they are looking for writers.
I was overjoyed when they asked me to write a sample of my work

and also requesting me to send them my writtings.
At the back of my head,I was susspicious in the good way of their
interest in me but I went ahead with it.We met up one day,
had a little chat and it all seemed like maybe there might
something good is going to happen afterall.But alas just today I found
out that they won’t be looking for any writers until the end of the month.
They said that they will inform me if anything’s coming up.
These two
I suppose are the ones who brought me here; walking on an invisible
float across a white river where you know that there will be no happy
ending.Strange how uneventful occurance would really kick in just in
the nick of time.The bloke from the creative firm told me to that there
is an upcoming job,therefore we should meet on Thursday.I do bloody
hope that this time is as real as it might be, for if it is just another hour
of useless gibberish I will most probably flip and kill him right there and
then.No, its just a thought.
My rage is not as bad till I have to take another one’s
life to make myself feel better.Another friend of mine told me also that he
has somesort of graphic opportunity for me.Doubtful.I’ll have to see
about this matter for the last time it did, it was not worth very much of my
time and effort at all.Hopefully it is all good.I suppose I will know where
my destiny of my career will lie by the end of the week or so.
People always tend to not keep their words.

It’s as though words to them are like meaningless spirelli eaten and
gobbled down their dry throats.Those with jobs do not give two fucks
about those who do not have a job.All they can really say is that they’ll
spread the word and hope that things will work out fine.DO THEY?
I do not know.I do not want to analyse that matter right now.

It must have seemed like I ate a whole basketful of bittergaut and
chugged down a whole pint of killkenny, but I didn’t.Maybe I should look
on the brightside of things,be more optimistic about the turmoil which I
have accidentally landed myself in.He must have took at least a huge
amount of acid and prozac when he composed that song of his.
It is a good song but to me being happy about how miserable my
life has gone down to is the last thing that I want to be happy about.
What I want to be happy about is that at the end of the month,
I will find out that I am soon to be hired.It’s almost the end of the
year for crying out loud.

I want to party like no tommorow and get pissed drunk knowing that the
day after next, I will have a job where I would not have to worry about
my car installments.Whichever comes forth to me, I will gladly welcome
them with open arms. Come to me and make me whole again.
Come to me as I embrace it will all my heart & soul.
A condescending thought I suppose.

It’s worth the shot anyway.

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