Friday, June 03, 2005
transcending protocols of a meaningless blabber
I walked along a neverending path which seems to lead me to nowhere.A long winding path,an entwining weed which enforces my epihany.Not a sight to be seen, not a sound, not a twitch to be stirred.All is silent. An embodiement to grey granite tombstones which lay astray.Do not go gentle into the night as dylan says where the light no longer shine, he cries.I sat and stare at the empty sky filled with vague vast emptiness, blue and grey amidst the air I have no control over of what may come.Orange flickers of the sun , dawn turn to dusk.I hope to hear the ring of the loud, high pitch horn which sits upon a white low hill.The sign of hope, the sign of possibility.Herewhich I lay in unjust foe, drudging that world would end, for if it did I could take no heed.Melancholic crows swept across the skies , black blanket of blatant woes.I am sane if you must wonder for with these words I seige of nothingness.There is love in the air or maybe it's just the ambigiuty of the notion.I had some drinks with an old old friend of mine, he's not old,we just lost touch off and on.We got to talking almost throughout the night.Fame and fortune we both seek,angst and abuse we look upon this superficial world of celluloid strips, images and visual art portrays ones heart and soul , in return the river flows rich with the abundance of yellow daffodils.Hard to imagine a river of flowing flowers but who the right mind would even care for all these were written in the sub-consious state of mind.