Friday, May 19, 2006
quintessential peanut butter Reeses psycho maniac

quintessential peanut butter Reeses psycho maniac
I received a bag full them yesterday. Having them in my hands was
like floating in the air. Being not able to get them here,they are like
little gold cupcakes.
driving along the small road ,bothsides packed with college kids,
working class people and some may have just came from playing
futsal.Its unusually filled with people tonight at my usual hangout spot
where my few close friends have our drinks.In other words , its our
‘tempat biasa’ to lepak every once a week after dinner. To catch up
on things and to let out steam.Tables and chairs were lined up until
almost the end of the road where the parking spaces are. Unbelievable.
It was like the whole population from Paramount came out for drinks.
We were in the midst of our blabbering jibberish when some mommy’s
boy sitting at the table next to ours made an indention to which he heard
the word ‘cock’ being spoken by us.It was as though it was some taboo
or forbidden word has been blurted out. Judging by his scrawny built and
the look of his face, I’d reckon he had not been exposed to expressing
ludracricy in public. I wouldn’t really blame him. Some people are just
far too naïve even at the age of late 20’s.Its just too bad. Having that
being said, I intentionally spoke loud enough for mama’s boy to hear
the ‘cock’ word again. It’s just to make my point clear. No harm done.
Its only words. It won’t hurt unless it subliminally has happened to that
person before. Public rebellion is sometimes rewarding by expressing
verbal dissatisfaction towards ones action. It is a free world. So sue me.
Sitting opposite mama’s boy was a living breathing Samara.
have her somewhat washed hair hanging down and her eyes looking at
anyone with her head tilted down, it would most probably scare the daylight
of anyone.The dark rings under her eyes hung like black soot from chimney
tops and her wet semi dried hair hung like seaweed around her very pale
looking face.
horror flick. She would make the perfect lead role.
Being a year much wiser and mature does not mean that my crudeness
will ever subside.But then again, being now the art director of a small team
it did made me realize how it felt to be a leader of the pack.I now understood
the irony and turmoil of handling a team. Especially if one of the members is
a weakling who needs to be pushed.CONSTANTLY.She is like a rubberball.
Push it a little, it rolls a few centimeters and then it stops.Hence it needs
to be pushed yet again in order for the ball to reach the other end of the table.
There are some which rolls right to the end of the table,falls and bounce up
again with just one push. I am beginning to sound like a broken record every
time I was obligated to advice her on what to do. It’s tiring having to say so
much, again and again and again. Take the initiative to do something great
without me telling her.Oh well, I’m already tired talking about her therefore
she shall be cease from this conversation.