Monday, July 04, 2005
Babbling gibberish of a hopeless yet hopeful soul

Premonition is a visual insight or prediction of what may come as to premature sexualintercourse happens between two people of the opposite sex before they are legally married or of age.This has nothing to do with what I may have to say.Babbles of the tired and drained mind of a lost braindead yet still hopeful artist in the dead of the night.Five years down the road, five years back.Give and take ten years will come soon for me and it rise the terror of being decindergrated into scrap metal at a junkyard in the desert, a place where no one ever would want to set foot on.It came to a surprise to me as I found out that being in the line for just only five years you’re considered “not young” Shocking as it is,it’s bloody ironic.It struck me as how an innocent man is being suddenly ambushed by two terrorists with AK47 and being shot face on in a grocery shop.With all my experience which are just seemed like a small portion of what others had gone through..I’m not that young anymore?BULLOCKS.Pure BS.But then again , maybe it is time for me to move up from being the peon to being the middle person to the client.Ramblings of a lucid artist in search of a purpose in life.Clear blue skies, smooth flowing rivers beneath the concrete grey tar-road,man-made transportations whizzing by and by heading towards a land of nowhere.Intimidation is the least on my frozen ice box brain of mine yet hearing these young punks coming out and about do somehow sad to say, scares the hell outta me.No, I’m not afraid.No fear.Just maybe a little of envy.Their life has just begun and they have a long and winding road ahead of them whereas for me the road seemed to be turning into a small narrow path which leads to an uncertain darkness.These thoughts disturbs the anxiety of my beating heart, each heartbeat reducing speed, the pistons one by one slowing down eaten by rust and unformidable care of emotions.No doubt I’m still hopeful.There’s always hope.Hope lies afloat,white cotton like clouds floating in the blue wonders of mother nature.Shooting stars are the wishful thinking of naïve young minds, believing that they quiet secret dream they had made will come true after telling it to a natural phenomenon.A person when in all lost will probably succumb to such blatant premonitional beliefs.Maybe somehow someway for once these blatant premonitional beliefs do come true.