
senseless art of a tortured soul

Monday, October 17, 2005

the whole freakin world is playing a huge prank on me

maybe i never have should been born.maybe GOD is playing a profoundly
gargantic prank on me.maybe.. maybe.. to perhaps.. perhaps..
perhaps....if i ever were to be born again i should be born in the united states
of america as a kid of a filmmaker in new least i have a chance to
make it somewhere , be somebody over there.whoever said that kl was the
town of opportunity can bend over and go suck on their own dicks.if it does
live up to what they say so why haven't i have a good stabile financial status.
this is bullshit.some fat fuck i once knew
can laugh about himself being an
anal asshole just cause he is able to is pure BS.these are the pricks and anal
arseholes which should be jobless and pathetic.NOT ME.i know iam a times..i dun laugh about it.i just know.silent secret smile.what is worse
that your lil sis acts all
high and mighty just because she has a higher paying job
as a goddamn creative director doesn't give her the freaking reason to do so,
worst every cent is counted for her.even just 5 freakin bucks.gimme a break, bitch.
all i ever want is a in kl, there will never be a job that i will love doing.
NEVER.a job here in kl is something you HAD to do to pay the bills.there will
never be passion for all the idiotic clients here have no eyes nor grey matters.
passion is found at a place where art& design is appreciated like the states
and maybe in singapore or taiwan or japan.never here.over there,
i know that i will go somewhere far, being able to work with an international
clientele with brains.every artist has somewhere to go over there.most of them did.

i wish never to be born here in this fuct up suburbia klang valley and i will never
wanna die here.
its an empty land of dust and dirt,i mean look at the goddamn
nangois.they can't rule the goddamn country.they have no freakin brains.they are
humans with pig brain within a thick boar skull with a body of a human being.
they look like one, talk like one and walk like pund intended.
some say that you make your own luck.maybe it is true.but when someone says that they
are sorry that something bad has happened to you and that they never did want
anything like this to happen to you,that's even a much bigger bs.because in the
very first place, there never was a cure for sorry for it never existed.hence please
don't come to me and say im sorry that this have to happen to you for you
will never be forgiven,ever.oh i found out that the independent film here, they
have a circle of friends where they only mingle with.anyone who is outside
of that circle will rarely get a chance to be part of it.apparently they are
"tightly bounded".pansies.its like.. there are no one else to be in their movies.
always the same goddamn faces.they so-called themselves independent because
they are sort of like a NGO based contact.i mean have you seen their work?they are
followers, not creators nor are they filmmakers.the stories are morbid.trying to be
artistic so they claimed.sorry, self claimed statement.maybe im blaming everyone
who had diss me.. indirectly.. why shouldn't i.its a free world.i'll say what i want
when and where i wish for there is such a thing called freedom of does
not go against any constitution nor any governmental propoganda.just words.only
narrowminded people and ignorrant ones who has no sight nor sense of what they
are living for. i know that im living to survive, to be above these retards.
i am trying my best anyway.

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