Saturday, October 01, 2005
the ass got MILFED
Meetharaj Kanaseethan is a pure breed anal
He is what we all know as an ass
Basically a URNS
He such an ass he is able to laugh about it
Which makes him more of an ass with a protuded anal
Which brings us to our story
Meetharaj Kanaseethan is a half breed anal ass
Who lived on a planet called Uranus
He has a huge ego strata which turns anyone off
He is HUGE
He walks like a T-Rex
No one is at fear when he walks
Just annoyed.
The irony is that he is on a health diet
He weighs equavelant to a TATA crane
Or a TADANO tracker
One day as he was ‘strolling’
Flagging for a cab
The cab came and turned out it was
Driven by a pretty hot MILF
The ass got in and
The MILF pulled out a handgun
Loaded with armour rounds
Aims for his fat face
Cocks the trigger
Blowing his brains out.
The MILF drove off.
His fat anal headless body
Was thrown onto the road
Left to rot
No stray dog or cat
Would want to consume such filth.
He is what we all know as an ass
Basically a URNS
He such an ass he is able to laugh about it
Which makes him more of an ass with a protuded anal
Which brings us to our story
Meetharaj Kanaseethan is a half breed anal ass
Who lived on a planet called Uranus
He has a huge ego strata which turns anyone off
He is HUGE
He walks like a T-Rex
No one is at fear when he walks
Just annoyed.
The irony is that he is on a health diet
He weighs equavelant to a TATA crane
Or a TADANO tracker
One day as he was ‘strolling’
Flagging for a cab
The cab came and turned out it was
Driven by a pretty hot MILF
The ass got in and
The MILF pulled out a handgun
Loaded with armour rounds
Aims for his fat face
Cocks the trigger
Blowing his brains out.
The MILF drove off.
His fat anal headless body
Was thrown onto the road
Left to rot
No stray dog or cat
Would want to consume such filth.