Thursday, September 29, 2005
robin hood got kidnapped
Lance was born into a filthy rich family where he had all the money in the world.He lived his life carelessly till he turned 26.He bought mansions, he bought stockmarket shares and lost a quarter of a million.He bought yachts, he drove only the fastest cars, he screwed only the best looking women.He was practically eating the best Norwegian salmon caviers and drinking the best wine from France.He donated to the helpless, he owns almost 80% of the banks in town and he splurged like a spendrift on his wardrobe.He was living the life of the rich and famous.Though he had eveything a man could ask for, he has no friends.Little that he knew that his life would change the minute he sat down with his friend from work for a couple of beers at the bar that one faithful night.He told Andie while having a smoke that he is bored of life.He said that he had done everything and went everywhere in the world.He did everything with his unlimited fund.HE WAS BORED OF LIFE and he has no idea what to do with his money.Andie being a minimum wageblue collar clerk in Lance’s company had always wanted to be rich.She on the other hand has so many things that she wanted to do if he had that much of money.She always wanted to travel around the world, make films and become an independent filmmaker who has a villa in each and every country in the world.As she listened to him , ideas were intervining with plots and strategy at the back of her mind.That idea led to a plan which is now her ultimate goal.She decided to rob him blind,literally BLIND.Lance told her with half opened eyes and sluttering voice that all his money were kept in all of the banks that he owned in town.He told her that there the amount of monoy which he has is enough to last him until his children’s children.He said that one day, he would want to know how it’d feel like to be poor for a change.Andie smiled silently to herself as she listened to him blabbering all night long.He wasn’t such a nice person actually.Sarcasticly funny and takes pride in everything that he say or do.That night Andie told her boyfriend Chris about her plan.Chris nodded in agreement as he listened carefully about her plan.She decided to kidnap himand ask for a ransom of all of his money that he has.It was settled then.
The next morning as Lance was heading towards his Lamborgini Diablo when he was attacked from behind.Chris was dressed in black with black shades.He hit him on the head with a wrench.Lance immediately blacked out and fell to the ground but Chris manage to grab hold of him before he could fall to the ground.Andie then came rolling by in her black convertible,Chris dragged his limp body onto the back seat, gagged him, and secured his hands and feet with lockstrips.He then carried him and threw him into the boot.They drove back to Chris’s apartment and unloaded Lance who was still unconsious.They both untied him and carried him as though he was a very sick patient into the apartment building and went using the lif.The minute they reached his door, Chris opened the door and they went in together.Once inside they tied both his hands and feet back.This time they blind folded him and tied him to a chair.
Come evening when Lance awoke ,still dazed, the both of them made their demandsThey were using a distortion device when they spoke.He asked them where is he and who are they.Both Chris and Andie lied about their identity,they weren’t stupid.They still have their masks on.When Lance agreed on meeting their demands, Andie placed a laptop on his lap,unfold the blind and guarded him with a gun which she purchased from a hypermarket.Lance typed frantically.Both Andie and Chris were nervous and was wondering what is taking him so long.They told him to call the banks to release all of his money.He obediently did so.He feared for his life more than his money.Smart thinking.He made several calls to several banks.He then turned toward the both of them and nodded.They would leave for the pick up in an hour’s time.
Nightfall, they threw Lance into the back with a gun pointed to his head as they headed towards the 1st bank out of three.There they went with Lance into the bank where two burly security guards were waiting for their arrival.Both Andie and Chris were disguised as Lance’s bodyguards or some sort of CIA agents.At least ten metal suitcases were loaded into the trunk of the car.They then proceed to the next two banks and the process was repeated.As the night turned into a silent cemetery, their car was heavy and filled with 30 metal suitcases, filling almost the whole of the backseat.They drove into a dingy area of town, opened the door and threw Lance outta the car leaving him with fifty bucks in his hands.They then drove away into the darkness shrieking with happiness while Lance stood there,stunned and broke.
The next morning as Lance was heading towards his Lamborgini Diablo when he was attacked from behind.Chris was dressed in black with black shades.He hit him on the head with a wrench.Lance immediately blacked out and fell to the ground but Chris manage to grab hold of him before he could fall to the ground.Andie then came rolling by in her black convertible,Chris dragged his limp body onto the back seat, gagged him, and secured his hands and feet with lockstrips.He then carried him and threw him into the boot.They drove back to Chris’s apartment and unloaded Lance who was still unconsious.They both untied him and carried him as though he was a very sick patient into the apartment building and went using the lif.The minute they reached his door, Chris opened the door and they went in together.Once inside they tied both his hands and feet back.This time they blind folded him and tied him to a chair.
Come evening when Lance awoke ,still dazed, the both of them made their demandsThey were using a distortion device when they spoke.He asked them where is he and who are they.Both Chris and Andie lied about their identity,they weren’t stupid.They still have their masks on.When Lance agreed on meeting their demands, Andie placed a laptop on his lap,unfold the blind and guarded him with a gun which she purchased from a hypermarket.Lance typed frantically.Both Andie and Chris were nervous and was wondering what is taking him so long.They told him to call the banks to release all of his money.He obediently did so.He feared for his life more than his money.Smart thinking.He made several calls to several banks.He then turned toward the both of them and nodded.They would leave for the pick up in an hour’s time.
Nightfall, they threw Lance into the back with a gun pointed to his head as they headed towards the 1st bank out of three.There they went with Lance into the bank where two burly security guards were waiting for their arrival.Both Andie and Chris were disguised as Lance’s bodyguards or some sort of CIA agents.At least ten metal suitcases were loaded into the trunk of the car.They then proceed to the next two banks and the process was repeated.As the night turned into a silent cemetery, their car was heavy and filled with 30 metal suitcases, filling almost the whole of the backseat.They drove into a dingy area of town, opened the door and threw Lance outta the car leaving him with fifty bucks in his hands.They then drove away into the darkness shrieking with happiness while Lance stood there,stunned and broke.